Puppy Questionaire

The very best way to get in touch if you are interested in a puppy is to fill out this form and provide an email address for me to send info on my breeding program, any puppies available, etc. Please tell us more about the type of home you would be providing. Matching puppy personalities to potential homes is much more successful when I know the sort of activity level, children, other pets etc. present.
Puppies will be available to pet homes with limited AKC registration and on a spay/neuter contract. If you don't hear back from me promptly, please email me since occasionally the form does not come through.
I DO NOT place puppies with unlimited/full AKC registration unless you are already involved in showing/exhibiting in AKC events and then only do so as a co-ownership. Each situation would be evaluated on a case by case basis.
We will not ship our puppies. We must meet and evaluate prospective buyers in person. We feel confident that the type of people we want for our precious puppies will understand this and agree. Thanks!